WiN:R2R小组| 2018年7月22日| 3.28 MB
MAC:团队CODESHiNE | 2020年12月24日| 19兆字节
- 高扩散,用于回声密度最大的混响。
- 在
单个衰减参数的控制下,与频率有关的衰减时间,对于巨大的低点和明显的高点。 - 色散,用于在衰减中创建3D成像。混响来自外部
- 扬声器,并衰减到扬声器后面的深处。
- 可变大小,以控制混响模式的金属质感。小尺寸导致更多的金属延迟,而大尺寸听起来更清晰。
- 郁郁葱葱的调制,可以消除任何金属伪影,同时保持输入的音高。
- 4种混响模式(铬,钢,黄铜,钴),可模拟“真正的立体声”板,带有2个输入驱动器和2个输出拾音器。
- 5种混响模式(铝,铜,锑,镭,锂)结合了钢板的3D分散特性和混响室中的高共振密度。
- 模仿传统的单声道输入,立体声输出板的3种混响模式(金刚,钛,O)。这些模式具有在真实平板混响器中发现的谐振密度。
- 所有模式都可以作为Mono-in / mono-out,Mono-in / stereo-out或立体声输入/ stereo-out插件运行。
ValhallaPlate建立在Valhalla DSP插件的基础上:
- 极简主义,可调整大小的2D GUI,带有自记录工具提示区域。
- 全面的预设浏览器使保存,调用和共享设置变得容易。
- 与32和64位DAW完全兼容(用于OSX和Windows的32/64位VST,用于OSX的32/64位音频单元,用于OSX和Windows的32位RTAS,用于OSX和Windows的64位AAX)。
- CPU使用率低!您可以使用所需的所有实例,而不会降低计算机的速度。
感谢R2R的代码和密钥。非常感谢TEAM R2R使用Keygen所做的出色工作。我们使用了密钥生成程序来修补MacOS二进制文件并生成随机许可证。
现在已更新至1.6.3版!添加了Mac的VST3,签名并经过公证的安装程序(已准备好Big Sur),Windows的签名安装程序
WiN: Team R2R | 22 July 2018 | 3.28 MB
MAC: Team CODESHiNE |24 December 2020 | 19 MB
ValhallaPlate is our algorithmic take on the classic plate reverberation sound. Twelve original algorithms emulate the sound and behavior of real world steel plate reverbs, and take the sound into dimensions that physical plates can’t touch.
Valhalla Plate Description:
ValhallaPlate realistically models the physics of plate reverbs:
- High diffusion, for reverbs that have maximally high echo density.
- Frequency dependent decay time, for huge lows and clear highs, under the control of a
single Decay parameter. - Dispersion, for creating 3D imaging in the decay. The reverb comes from outside the
- speakers, and decays into the depths behind the speakers.
ValhallaPlate extends the plate reverb into dimensions that real plates can’t reach:
- Variable size, to control how metallic a reverb mode sounds. Small sizes result in more metallic delays, while larger sizes sound clearer.
- Lush modulation, that eliminates any metallic artifacts, while retaining the pitch of the input.
Twelve original reverberation algorithms (5 new algorithms added to version 1.5.0):
- 4 reverb modes (Chrome, Steel, Brass, Cobalt) that emulate “true stereo” plates, with 2 input drivers and 2 output pickups.
- 5 reverb modes (Aluminum, Copper, Unobtanium, Radium, Lithium) that combine the 3D dispersive characteristics of steel plates with the high resonance density found in reverberation chambers.
- 3 reverb modes (Adamantium, Titanium, Osmium) that emulate the traditional mono-in, stereo-out plates. These modes have the resonance density found in real plate reverberators.
- All of the modes can be run as a mono-in/mono-out, mono-in/stereo-out, or stereo-in/stereo-out plugin.
ValhallaPlate builds upon the Valhalla DSP plugin heritage:
- Minimalist, resizable 2D GUI, with self-documenting tool tip area.
- A comprehensive preset browser makes saving, recalling and sharing settings easy.
- Fully compatible with 32 and 64 bit DAWs (32/64 bit VST for OSX and Windows, 32/64 bit Audio Units for OSX, 32-bit RTAS for OSX and Windows, 64-bit AAX for OSX and Windows).
- Low CPU usage! You can use all the instances you need without your computer slowing down.
Thanks goes to R2R for the code and key. Big thanks to TEAM R2R for the amazing work they did with the keygen. We used the keygen to patch the MacOS binaries and generate random licenses.
免责声明: 1、本站所有资源来源与网络,不提供任何技术支持和安装服务。请知晓!
编曲库 » Valhalla DSP ValhallaPlate v1.5.0.25 / v1.6.3 [WiN, MacOSX]